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Exploit Development for Linux (x86_64)
x64 Assembly Crash Course
Introduction (1:28)
MOV Instruction (10:39)
Sub registers (6:25)
ADD, SUB, INC, DEC Instructions (8:38)
Avoiding Null Bytes (5:21)
PUSH & POP Instructions (5:16)
XOR Instruction (3:16)
CMP & JMP Instructions (9:37)
CALL & RET Instructions (11:31)
Exploit Development
Introduction (1:01)
Compiling the vulnerable program (6:11)
Crashing the program (9:11)
Finding the offset (12:01)
Final Exploit (15:05)
Updating the exploit to work with gets function (7:57)
jmp rax exploit - introduction (6:17)
jmp rax exploit (3:56)
jmp rsp exploit - introduction (6:58)
jmp rsp exploit (11:54)
Writing Shellcode
Introduction (1:01)
The process of writing shellcode (2:45)
Exit shellcode - Part 1 (6:24)
Exit shellcode - Part 2 (Removing null bytes) (10:09)
Execve shellcode (18:29)
Reverse tcp shellcode - Part 1 (8:01)
Reverse tcp shellcode - Part 2 (19:11)
Reverse tcp shellcode - Part 3 (8:06)
Exploit mitigation techniques and bypasses
Introduction (1:22)
Understanding NX (6:21)
Return to Libc Attack - Part 1 (8:03)
Return to Libc Attack - Part 2 (9:13)
Return to Libc Attack - Part 3 (16:20)
Return Oriented Programming
Introduction to Return Oriented Programming (ROP) (6:52)
Introduction to mprotect (10:52)
Return Oriented Programming to bypass NX (33:19)
Introduction to PLT & GOT (9:36)
Ret2plt to bypass NX & ASLR (14:26)
Course Conclusion (0:24)
ADD, SUB, INC, DEC Instructions
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